Year 3

Year 3 Summer Term 2016

The Year 3 topic this term is ‘Romans’. We will introduce the topic with the story of Romulus and Remus and how they founded Rome.

In our English lessons we will begin by exploring and writing stories based on myths and legends, followed by biographies, including those people who lived during the Roman Empire.

We will be using our Maths lessons to look at statistics and data handling: position and direction, linking this to movement. We will continue to develop our understanding of number linking it to measures and fractions.

In Science we will be exploring and investigating different forces; moving on different surfaces, friction, properties of magnets.

In History and Geography we’ll be finding out about the Romans and how Britain was impacted by the Roman rule and the changes they made to the way we live as well as developing roads; rules, they way we eat etc,,  Following on from this, we will have planned a fun- filled Design and Technology programme , in which we will be designing and making Roman chariots and racing them on different surfaces.

Through the Art scheme of work we will be studying and creating our own Mosaic work, taking inspiration from the Romans and also work with clay to make sculptures in the style of the Romans. We will be listening to and creating our own pieces of music after studying the works and composition of Gustav Holtz-‘Planets’. We will also work with and make musical instruments such as pan pipes and oboe in our Music lessons.

In French, children will have the opportunity to continue learning to say the months of the year and how to say basic greetings and when their birthdays are.

We are looking forward to developing our knowledge and skills in coding in our Computing lessons using Scratch and communicating using graphics, sound, text and film.

Within our PSHCE programme of study, we will be looking at our roles in the community and the laws and rules we must follow.

Finally, in PE lessons we are going to be developing our athletic abilities, focusing on sprinting and long distance running, linking to the Olympic Games in Rio 2016.

Please make sure that PE kits are in school at the beginning of each week. PE lessons will be on Mondays and Tuesdays. Also, a quick reminder to read with your child at least three times a week and continue to support them with learning their spellings.


Year 3 Spring Term 2016

In our Spring term topic we will explore the Stone Age Period, with a particular focus on Inventions. We will also travel into the past and discover the origins of man through books, video clips and research.

In History, we will look at inventions in the Stone age that were vital to human survival. We will also learn about these inventions that changed the way we live.

In Geography, we will learn about volcanoes and locate the ‘Ring of fire’ and other volcanoes on a world map. Alongside this, in Science we are hoping to study rocks and the effects of erosion in England which will include several field trips to observe the effects of coastal erosion and first hand experiences of life in the Stone Age. We are also bringing in rock specialists to talk to the children.

The children will be developing their reading and comprehension skills through the topics above and we seek your support to ensure that they practise these skills and read at least three times a week at home. In writing we will be focusing on story writing, explanations and recounts around the topics studied.

In Maths children will continue to improve their mental maths skills using CLIC maths, as well as following curriculum objectives such as shape, measures and word problems using all four operations. They will be developing their written and mental calculations, as well as problem solving abilities.

In R.E. we will be learning about good and evil, the Jewish festival of Purim and the theme of suffering through the Easter story. This will aid children to better understand the society within which we live.

In Art, we will be learning the art of papier mache through making a volcano, and replicate cave paintings from the Stone Age period.

In Music we will be listening music inspired by the natural world and use instruments to create sounds that will reflect moods. We will also use digital technologies to compose pieces of music.

As always any support you can give your child at home or in school is much appreciated.

Thank you to all of you, who help your child with their learning logs and their reading. Please continue to do so as we know your child appreciates this. We would also love to see our parents or carers at our Thursday E.R.I.C reading sessions – this is simply a session to hear your children reading and it makes a huge difference to the children when parents attend every week. It runs every Thursday from 08:45 to 09:15.

Can we also remind you that 3N/3F need PE kits every week. Please send their PE kits in and leave it in school until the half term break

As always thank you for your continued support, if you have any queries do not hesitate to contact us in person or through email.


Welcome to Autumn Term 2015

Green Fingers

The Year 3 staff are Mrs Nair and Ms Fletcher (3N) and Mr Ford, Miss Brain, Mrs Chearman and Mrs Wisniak-Cole (3F)

In Year 3 we will be studying plants and the importance of growing enough food to feed a growing population. We will have the opportunity to visit a farm and have firsthand experience of harvest and cooking the food we have harvested. As part of this, in Science, we will look at parts and functions of a plant, do a seed investigation and explore growing conditions. We will also investigate the importance of different parts of plants.

In Geography we will look at land use, farming and growing conditions, in terms of weather and soil that will sustain growth.

We will be learning painting techniques and different brush strokes in Art, when we paint trees and make observational drawings of plants and trees, in the form of a mural.

We will also link this topic to Design and Technology lessons by making healthy salads and sandwiches and create packaging for them.

Our English learning will involve stories which include trees and plant, for example Jack and the Beanstalk and James and the Giant Peach. We will drive the English lessons through stories, eventually enabling children to write their own stories.

In our indoor PE session we will develop children’s coordination skills which will be linked to healthy living. In outdoor PE we will have lots of fun, focusing on invasion games which the children enjoy.

In French our focus will be learning numbers to 20, colours and basic greetings.

Our RE focus will be on trees which will link to our topic. We will look at how trees are represented in religion.

ICT will feature as part of most lessons. Children will create PowerPoints to retell stories to present their work. They will also do research, which is carried out throughout the topic.

In Maths, we will be focusing on place value, adding 10, 100 and 1000 to a given number, counting in different multiples and solving mathematical investigations.

Through this topic, we will be hoping that the children will receive a 6 week lesson on planting their own vegetable garden.

We will look forward to welcoming parents to our classrooms to see our work through this topic.

Please make sure PE kits are in school at the beginning of each week. Also, a quick reminder to ensure that you read with your child at least 3 times a week and continue to support them with learning log tasks.

We are looking forward to an exciting term! If you have any questions please talk to us.

Mrs Nair and Mr Ford.


Welcome to Summer Term 2015

Hidden Heroes!

Our Year 3 topic this term is Hidden Heroes! We will be finding out about local heroes in History, both past and present. Through this topic, we will be thinking about teamwork and our own place within our wider community in PSHCE, using money, budgeting and percentages in Maths to create our own community charity event. We will be thinking about properties of shapes and making 3D packaging in DT to package sweets as part of our fundraising.

We hope to organise trips to the Science museum in London and local trips such as the beach and Hundred Acre Wood, which will support our Geography learning. Alongside these visits, in Art, we will look at graffiti art (Banksy) and art in the natural environment (Andy Goldsworthy). This will also link with our French curriculum, learning about the weather and vocabulary relating to the town and country.

Our trip to the forest will give us the opportunity to study plants as part of our Science learning. We’ll also be finding out about forces and friction and linking this back to our work on heroes as we create our very own superhero characters.

In English, we will look at biographies of our local heroes; writing persuasive letters to support fundraising; and using journey sticks from our trip to the woods to write stories about places we have visited. This will support our composition work in music, where we will be using sounds, pace and rhythm to tell a story through music. We’ll also look at trees as religious symbols in R.E., and we’ll be finding out about the Torah.

In Computing, we will be using Kodu to programme and create our own games. Finally, we’ll make sure that we’re ready to win sports day with an athletics unit in P.E.

Please make sure that PE kits are in school at the beginning of each week. Also, a quick reminder to read with your child at least three times a week and continue to support them with learning log tasks.

We are looking forward to an exciting summer term, packed with new learning and experiences!

Mrs Adams and Miss Robertson


Welcome to Spring Term 2015


In Year 3 this term we will be investigating life (and death!) in Ancient Egypt. On the first day of term in 2015 we arrived at school to find secret symbols all over our classrooms! We discovered that these were hieroglyphics, an Ancient Egyptian form of writing. We are now being detectives, finding our more…..

In History we will look at the discovery of Egyptian tombs, including Tutankhamun.

We will decorate a sarcophagus in Art, as well as clay modelling Egyptian artefacts.

Our English learning will be linked to our topic through reading and writing Egyptian myths and legends, writing non-chronological reports and creating a set of instructions about how to mummify a body! We will also be joining another school to watch an Ancient Egyptian play.

We will also link this to our Design and Technology lessons by making our own moving mythical characters.

In Maths, we are learning division, data handling and time.

Our Science learning will include finding out about the skeletons, muscles and nutrition of animals and humans.

We are going to be using a new app in Computing, to create Egyptian characters. We are also practising combining text and graphics using Microsoft Publisher.

We will be having lots of fun in our indoor P.E. sessions, as we learn to ‘walk like an Egyptian’ in our dance lessons!

In Geography we will use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features. E.g. rivers, settlements, pyramids, land use and trade, linked to Egypt.

We are learning colours, parts of the body and numbers to 20 in French.

Our focus in PSHCE will be about relationships.

At the very end of all this, we plan to host our own Ancient Egyptian museum, featuring work and research carried out throughout the topic. We will look forward to welcoming parents, staff and other visitors to our museum.

Please make sure that PE kits are in school at the beginning of each week. Also, a quick reminder to read with your child at least three times a week and continue to support them with learning log tasks.

We are looking forward to an exciting term! If you have any questions please do come and speak to us!

Mrs Adams and Miss Robertson