
Summer Term 2016

Welcome back.

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break. We’d like to take this opportunity to give a special welcome to all our new children and their families.


Our theme this half term is Traditional Tales
The home corner has been set up as the Three Bear’s house and we will be building the Three Little Pigs houses outside and re-telling the story using character masks. We will be making porridge, gingerbread men and bread.  We will also be growing beanstalks and measuring them.  Our mathematical learning will be based around shape, size and counting.
We will be learning some new songs and investigating the sounds that musical instruments make.  During our English sessions we will be learning the letter sounds; s, a, t, p, i, and n, about rhyming words and practising writing patterns and letter shapes..

If you would like to follow up some of theses stories at home, here are some activities you might like to try.

·        Share your favourite fairy stories with your child. Either tell them the story as you remember it or borrow fairy tales from the Library to read aloud and talk about.

·        Read fairy stories at bedtime (not the scary ones!).  Talk about the morals in the stories – doing good deeds, not breaking promises, being kind to other people.

·        Help your child make mobiles and pictures of fairy tale characters to decorate their bedroom.

·        Make biscuits in the shape of people or animals and decorate them to look like fairy tale characters.

·        Talk about the royal family and princes and princesses.

·        Visit a castle. (Portchester Castle is free if you just go in the grounds)

Resource requests:


If you have any old dressing up clothes, scarves, beads or hats that you no longer want we would love to have them.  The children love getting dressed up but they wear out really quickly.

Nursery staff

Mrs Wiggins – Nursery teacher

Mrs Maund – Lead Nursery nurse

Mrs Hogg – Nursery nurse

Miss Kinahan – Nursery nurse

Mrs Weller – Nursery nurse

Miss Krassoss – apprentice

We also have a trainee teacher with us this half term and his name is Mr Mason.


Nursery Open Sessions

Thank you to those of you that came to the open sessions this term. It was great that so many parents were able to make it. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. I know the children loved having you here. We are hoping to have another one later in the year and will keep you posted.

Show and tell

Just a reminder that we have a regular ‘show and tell’ slot during the Nursery session on Mondays. If your child has anything they wish to bring in to show, or any important news, this will be their chance to do it. Anything brought in to show should be placed in the ’Show & Tell’ box by the door when dropping your child off.

Home reading books

We have a system where children can choose books to take home for you to share with them.  When you want your child to change their book just return the book bag and put it in the yellow box and we will support your child to exchange their book.  We also talk to your child about the book and encourage them to answer questions about it.

The children really enjoy choosing and taking books home, so we hope you will support them in their early steps in learning to read.

Thank You



Spring 2016

Happy New Year

Welcome back. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year. We’d like to take this opportunity to give a special welcome to all our new children and their families.

Nursery Open Day

Thank you to those of you that came to the open day in December. It was great that so many parents were able to make it. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. I know the children loved having you here. We are hoping to have another one later in the year and will keep you posted.


Our theme this half term is food. We will start by thinking about fruits and vegetables and then move on to learning about food from around the world. We are planning quite a bit of cookery and food tasting over the coming weeks so could you please ensure we know about any food allergies your child has.

If you would like to follow this up at home, here are a few ideas you might like to try.

  • When preparing fruit & vegetables let your child help with the washing and safe peeling.
  • Together make a banana split by chopping a banana into slices with a blunt knife, and arranging it around a scoop of ice cream. Decorate it with chocolate bits or colourful sprinkles.
  • Visit a café. Involve your child in choosing from the menu and noticing how orders are taken, food is served and bills are paid. Back home enjoy pretending to be a customer or café owner.
  • Visit the library to find stories about food. Look out for recipe books that your child could enjoy using at home.
  • Plan an indoor or outdoor picnic together.

We would also like to invite you to bring in and share any finger foods that you have made at home with your children.  If you would like to take part please speak to one of the Nursery staff and we will arrange a time for you to bring it into school.

Show and tell

Just a reminder about Monday ‘Show and Tell’ time. If your child has anything they wish to bring in to show, or any important news to tell, this will be their chance to share it. Anything brought in to show should be placed in the ’Show & Tell’ box, in the cloakroom.

Nursery staff

Mrs Wiggins – Nursery teacher

Mrs Maund – Lead Nursery nurse

Mrs Hogg, Miss Kinahan, Mrs Weller – Nursery nurses

We also have 2 apprentices working with us: –

Miss Krassoss

Miss Malloy



Autumn Term 2015

Our learning this half term is based around an ‘Amazing Me’ theme.

The children will be finding out what they can do and how amazing their bodies are. They will be learning about how to look after themselves and how to keep healthy. We will also be looking at Autumn and how the environment around them changes. The children will be using our Environmental Area and going on walks to collect natural objects that they find.


If you would like to follow this up at home, here are a few ideas to try.

When your children get up in the morning and when they get ready for bed talk about the importance of washing, cleaning teeth and combing hair.

Visit a park and explore the way arms can be used to push, swing, throw and lift.

Draw attention to how useful parts of our bodies are. For example listen for traffic when crossing the road and how their eye lids protect their eyes.

Visit your local library and look at books about Autumn.

Point out Autumn colours in the trees and collect fallen leaves to bring into Nursery.


Your children will have the opportunity to learn:

  • To experience handling different materials
  • To recognise seasonal changes
  • To ask questions to investigate and explore
  • They will become more aware of the human body and the importance of different parts.
  • How to keep healthy


Resource Requests:

  • Bring in any Autumn things that you find.
  • Parcel bows, wrapping papers, wall papers and any interesting boxes and

packaging for collage work.

  • Any old children’s dressing gowns or slippers etc for dressing up



Nursery Summer Overview

Nursery Open Sessions

Thank you to everyone who came along at the end of the Spring Term, we hoped you enjoyed our open sessions.  The children really enjoyed singing their songs and making Easter hats with you. They are now thinking about what they can do for the next one.

Summer Term

Our theme this half term is ‘People Who Help Us’.

We will be using our theme of ‘People Who Help Us’ to introduce the children to different occupations. These include; Fire fighters, the Police, Postal workers and Refuse Collectors. There will be an opportunity to learn about refuse collection and recycling. The children will also be finding out about people who help keep them safe and stay healthy. They will have the opportunity to make connections between people and the local community by going on walks to the local shops and visiting the Post Office. It will also be ideal for discussing how we can help others too!

We are hoping that one or two visitors will be coming into Nursery to talk to the children about the kind of work that they do.  So, if you know of anyone who can help us by coming in and talking to the children please contact Mrs Wiggins.



Spring Term 2015

Welcome back……Our themes this term are ‘Pets’ and ‘Wild Animals’.

The children will be finding out all about how to look after their pets and about the different categories of animals and where they live.  They will have the opportunity to handle and observe a number of small animals and we hope to visit a Pet store later this half term.  We have our own Pet shop in Nursery in which the children can role-play buying, selling and looking after pets.  They will also be using story and information books about animals to support their learning.

The children will be introduced to ‘Makaton’, which is a form of signing words, so look out for them signing the names of different animals.

We would love for the children to talk to us about their pets and if they have any photos they could bring them along too!

As usual there will be a Parent/Carer leaflet about how to help your child at home.

There will also be Parent/Carer open sessions the week before the Easter break for you to come along to.

Please let us know if your child has any allergies to or are afraid of any animals so that we can take the necessary steps to support them.
